Saturday 10 October 2015

Clock strikes and bam..

Does anyone else find that it gets to the evening and it's like your mood just plummets? It's like a shitty reward for making it through the day?

For example today- clock strikes 8 and BAM I sit here thinking, over thinking to be precise.

Thinking is never a good thing really because as soon as I have that opportunity to think I feel bad and my thoughts are bad and it's just crap.
Don't get me wrong it's always there during the day; that kinda numb yet anxious feeling, but it seems more bareable because I'm either trying to keep occupied or I'm sleeping, but then as soon as I go to "relax" (ha!) in the evening it really is a dramatic mood change and not a good one for that matter.. it sucks big time.

I just want things to get better already.

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