Saturday 29 August 2015

Just a late night post

It's currently 00:21 and I'm sat alone in my garden with candles and music. I can hear people laughing and having fun. I'm sat here and I honestly feel like so much has changed recently- for the worst or for the better; things have changed. But most of all I've truly learnt just how much my family mean to me and not gonna lie things have been tough, but right now I can see positive changes that wouldn't have happened without the hard times. My parents are closer and me and my family are closer and beginning to get to know each other again. And it's honestly lovely. We/ I still have a long way to go; but it'll be worth it. I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for the handful of people I have in my life and I'll never be able to thank them all enough. It's not been easy, but hopefully sooner or later I'll be able to say it was all worth it.
Appreciate those small things and appreciate those who support and encourage the positive in you because they are by far the keepers and the people who are worth your time.
It may be all rain and dark now, but it can't last forever- there'll soon be light and sunshine and happiness. It's worth the fight and it's worth the darkness if in the end you are happy and those around you are happy.
Life's just one big journey- constantly learning and experiencing but it's making the most and taking the moments that'll move you forwards.

I wish you all the best happiness and health and I just wish I could make everyone happy and make life easier for everyone because that honestly would be the best thing ever.

Live the adventure and enjoy; you never know when it's going to end. Peace out x

Saturday 22 August 2015


There's people in your life who come and go, there's always people in your life whether you like it or not- positive or negative there's people there. But then when you get that one person or handful of people who bring out the best in you- those are the keepers, those are the people you should surround yourself with and keep in touch with. There's so many people who can bring out different personalities, good and bad, but when you finally meet that one person or those people who inspire, motivate and have the same passion(s) as you, it can literally be life changing. And I'm not someone who believes that you should rely on other people to make your life happy because it's your life therefore you need to make the changes and differences which can influence your happiness, but that doesn't mean I'm against having people in your life which are supportive and want the best for you and have influences on your happiness.
For years going through my good and bad times I feel as though I've relied on people to make me happy and it's not until now, after being with that one person where I've fully realised the only thing/ the only person who can truly make a difference in my life and try and find the happiness I want is in actual fact, me.. me, myself and I. Yes I've got those supportive people, and people I love being with in my life around me and as much as they can suggest changes which will help it's up to me to act on it and make the difference.

When you're actually able to sit down and talk real life with that one person who creates such a positive energy and you're able to walk away feeling inspired and motivated, well there's no words to describe the feeling.

I feel as though recently I've come in contact with my dream and my ambition and it wasn't until I met the one person with the exact same interest, with the exact same goals and the exact understanding of the real world where I then realised this. We know what we want to do, we know the goal we have and we know the various steps we can take to enable us to become closer to reaching our goal. And when you sit with that person and there's excitement and passion in our voices, there's determination and reality- that's when you know you're with the right person.

I've been inspired and I feel inspired and it's the inspiration that I'm feeling now which I am holding on to and going to try and focus on.

I'm young and we're young yet talking with such ambition and determination is such a strong positive feeling.

The only person who can hold us back is us, therefore the only person who can control us is us.
At the end of the day; no matter who is in your life or the situations your in, there's always a way and there's always a way out. Things don't happen over night, but that doesn't mean that they don't happen.
Keep strong, keep real and hold on to the little things in this big wide world which bring out the best in you; because they are the keepers.

Peace out✌

Tuesday 18 August 2015

I don't even know..

Things have been particularly hard recently and I feel as though now is a good time to sit and write. Lots has changed and I don't know whether it's for the best or not, but I do know that right now it sucks big time.
So much has been thrown out into the open, so many of my long term secrets have now been exposed and it's honestly felt too much. I can't even explain it. 

But what I really want to say is and that I really hope happens is that no matter how dark times are now there will soon be a light and that's the message I wish I could pass on to others; that no matter the struggles, daily battles and darkness which you're going through now- things will get better, there will soon be a light and things will get easier. Sometimes it takes the process of going through the dark times to reach the better. I want to take this as a learning curve and an experience but right now it feels like a dead end- but I'm just hoping in time to come I'll be able to look back and realise that it was for the better and that things really did get easier.

Sorry for not posting in so long, but I hope you're all okay and coping with whatever life is throwing at you. I'm always here if anyone needs to chat or release any feelings.

And yes I do realise that this is such a crap post and that it's probably not even worth posting- but whatever.

Please take care of yourselves and realise how important and special you all really are. You're all worth all the happiness and best health. Stay strong and believe. Xo