Tuesday 29 December 2015

29th December 2015.

Well hello there, once again I'm going to find myself apologising for the lack of blogging- but the time hasn't been right, the inspiration hasn't been there and the excuses have been flowing.
But now it's time. Time for me to get back on track in many more than one way.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and it was a positive time for you all spent with your loved ones and full of happiness, laughter and appreciation.

I can't believe it's only 3 days till the New Year, this time of year always makes me so anxious. A new year, a whole new year. I hate the anticipation, the fear, the what ifs, but I'm determined to get myself better in 2016.
I've come through so much this year, finding myself in such dark times, making bad choices and relying on things I thought would help- adding another battle to my list. But that's okay. Because I've managed to learn so much about myself this year. And I most certainly can say that despite the fact I'm battling through all this, I have the most amazing supportive people in my life.
My support workers, family, friends and doctors and without all of them I don't know what I'd be doing or where I'd be. So I cannot THANK them all enough.

If there's one thing I've learnt this year is the opening up to those you never dreamt of opening up to is possibly one of the biggest, bravest and influential steps you can take. And I couldn't encourage it enough. It really does make a big difference and it really does make things that slightest bit easier.

Recovery is exhausting, constant, scary BUT it's possible and I'm not giving up. And I'm not giving up because of the people I have around me but also because of myself. I've fought for too long, I've come through so much, I've learnt too much and I've come such a long way that there's no way I could give up on that now. I am going to do this, it may be scary but blimey it'll be worth it.

So please, for anyone out there struggling- no matter what it is- please don't give up. If you think no one cares, there's no point, it's too hard; you couldn't be more wrong. I care about you all so much and I am more than willing to listen to you, to help you and support you. So please talk to me, whether it's on my social medias; facebook/twitter/instagram or whether you email me directly at nataliepaige1396@gmail.com
Please do.

I'm hoping to atleast do one more post before the new year, but incase I don't get round to it; I hope you all have a lovely time. That 2016 treats you well and I wish you all the best happiness and health for the new year. You all deserve it.

Thank you so much to those who took the time to read my posts this year, who supported me and encouraged me. Who a kept me strong and kept me going.
You all mean one hell of a lot to me and I really cannot thank you all enough.

Keep strong, keep fighting and remember recovery and happiness is possible if you allow yourself to believe, trust and accept. Live to inspire others, but most importantly live to inspire yourself.
You got this🌞💕

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