Tuesday 7 July 2015

The little things in life..

One of the most important things I've managed to teach myself recently, for me to hold on to and for me to influence others with is holding on to those little things in life. There are so many little things in our lives which do not get enough credit and very often go unnoticed and it wasn't until I was sat here in deep thought about my life where it clicked. In my life, seeing as I can only talk from my personal view, there are numerous things that I do, that happen and that are able to subconsciously give me something to hold on to on my bad days or days where living isn't a thing, just existing, which actually make me happy or make me feel something.
These little things actually play such a huge part in our lives and influence us and how we feel, and I do not think that we credit those enough.
Which then led me to ask myself, if those little things really do play such a huge part and influence us so much, then why are they called "little things" and not "big things"?

I've had people say about the amount of photos I take, the amount of money I spend, the time I spend in coffee shops, the time I spend with my friends, not going out/leaving the house, and I can't help but wonder why it's such a big deal? I know that with my anxiety somethings and some days are harder than others, I know that somethings I avoid purely because I don't want to have a panic attack and also because I've already thought and thought about what could happen and know how uncomfortable I will feel. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in pushing yourself and facing fears, but I also believe there's a limit and nobody, whoever they are should not have to; not do something because others won't like it, or do something that they do not want to do.
There's so many things we don't have a choice about- compulsory education til the age of 18, age restrictions, the good and bad things that happen, etc. The we should be honoured and feel privileged to embrace the things we do have a choice on.

For me, walks on my own, taking photos,  having time to myself- but also spending time with those I genuinely like and have time for, looking after my girls, going to coffee shops, listening to music, writing, being able to know who I can and can't trust and also those who I can and can't talk to, those who I can be myself around and those who understand me, the lazy days and the days where I want to explore, future plans about my genuine interests, my job and my family, the indepth chats with people who show interest, listening to someone talk about something their passionate about and making someone smile, these are a few of the small things that get me through.

Which, when reading it back, sounds like rather a lot and I'm very fortunate, but I've experienced myself and I know how easy it is to find yourself in a mind set of I have nothing, nobody cares, nobody likes me, there's no point; that when you are able to actually notice those things, it really does feel overwhelming.

I'm not now sitting here saying everyone should notice everyone of their little things, but what I can encourage is for people to think about and to jot down at least one little thing a day that made them feel happy or made life feel easier during that day. Whatever it was, it matters and then hopefully, that list will become longer and you will be able to realise just how many things there are.

I don't know, it worked for me, so hopefully it'll work for you guys.

Take care and look after yourself, because you are all important and I care about you all dearly. ☺